CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini) + backing tracks
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini)
In this chapter of my “Chromatic Methenyisms” book series I will like to present a few ideas for chromatic melodic ornamentation (in the style of the great guitarist Pat Metheny) over the basic four-note arpeggios (maj7, min7 and Dominant 7).
The accompanying video contains all examples performed at tempo as well as slowed down and in the transcription you will find a detailed description of the specific articulation and phrasing used to achieve the melodic sensibility and feel of Metheny.
Each chromatic melodic ornamentation idea is designed to physically fit within a basic arpeggio “position skeleton” on the fretboard. It is then moved/transposed over the position skeletons of all the inversions of the four-note arpeggios. Combining these position skeletons will give you the ability to create longer and wide-interval phrases over the entire range of the instrument.
This is also a great technique for combining the inside sound of the basic four chord tones of every harmony with the outside/altered sonic textures provided to us by the chromatic ornamentation.
Materials Included:
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini) book (PDF file - TAB and Standard Notation).
HD video with all examples performed at tempo and slowed down.
Backing tracks: 3 different backing tracks for maj7, min7 and Dominant 7 harmonies.
For more info please e-mail:
CHROMATIC METHENYISMS (Arpeggios ala Matini) book (PDF file - TAB and Standard Notation). HD video with all examples performed at tempo and slowed down. Backing tracks: 3 different backing tracks for maj7, min7 and Dominant 7 harmonies.