Short Technical Study #9 (Encapsulated Quintal Clusters) + backing track
Short Technical Study #9 (Encapsulated Quintal Clusters) + backing track
With the material presented in this series (Short Technical Studies) I seek to demonstrate some of the creative and fun ways in which I like to isolate and work on specific techniques on the guitar. Each study is designed with a unique concept and goal in mind and utilizes a variety of ways in which the technique can be used on the instrument.
Study #9 focuses on extracting three note harmonic clusters from any major key and its diatonic modes. These three note clusters are produced with the interval of a 5th as their nucleus. The resulting chordal textures can be used as embellishing harmonic structures to the regular diatonic chords of the key. In this study I am extracting the clusters from the F Major tonal center and using them as colorations over a "Gmin7" harmony.
By playing through this set of exercises we can work on stretching, endurance, strength, coordination and dexterity in the left hand as well as fretboard logic and tonal center navigation over the entire instrument.
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