SHORT CHORDVERSATIONS #1 (Harmonic Density - min7) + baking track

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SHORT CHORDVERSATIONS #1 (Harmonic Density - min7)

In this mini-lesson series my goal is to share with all of you some of the fun and interesting practicing concepts I enjoy working on when I study harmony on the guitar.

Part 1 covers a way of finding new voicing interpretations for minor chords at different density levels where we define any minor sonority with a single note and then gradually increase its harmonic density all the way up to four notes. Once we reach the maximum density we start reducing it by one note at a time until we get back to a single note representation for such chord.

In this short study I will be illustrating these ideas through 7 variations of harmonic density development over a Dmin7 harmony.   

Materials Included:

"Harmonic Density" chordal study (PDF file - TAB and Standard Notation).

"HD Video" of all Harmonic Variations.

Backing track.

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"Harmonic Density" chordal study (PDF file - TAB and Standard Notation). "HD Video" of all Harmonic Variations. Backing track.

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SHORT CHORDVERSATIONS #1 (Harmonic Density - min7) + baking track

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